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Bill Trinen reageert op gemengde reacties over Breath of the Wild DLC

Toen Eiji Aonuma afgelopen week de Uitbreindingspas aankondigde voor The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, waren de reacties op internet zeer gemengd. Bill Trinen probeert de situatie uit te leggen.

Toen Eiji Aonuma afgelopen week de Uitbreindingspas aankondigde voor The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, waren de reacties op internet zeer gemengd. Bill Trinen probeert de situatie uit te leggen. 

Bill Trinen, Senior Product Marketing Manager van Nintendo of America, was aanwezig bij een podcast van IGN over de aankomende Nintendo Switch. Tijdens het interview kwamen de negatieve reacties over de DLC-aankondiging van Breath of the Wild ter sprake. Trinen vertelde dat het best hard aankwam bij het team, omdat er lang gediscussieerd was over de vraag hoe en wanneer de DLC aangekondigd zou worden. Het idee om Breath of the Wild nog verder uit te breiden kwam doordat de ontwikkelaars het zonde vonden dat ze de grote wereld maar voor één game zouden gebruiken. Ze wilden dat fans Hyrule nog verder konden ontdekken na de release van de game. Trinen voegde daaraan toe dat de gedachte van Nintendo is dat spelers die de game kopen al kunnen uitkijken naar meer content in de loop van het jaar.

Trinen benadrukte ook dat de uitbreidingspakketten nog steeds in ontwikkeling zijn en daarom niet op de dag van de release verschijnen. Hiermee verwijst hij naar de vraag van fans of de DLC niet in het hoofdspel had kunnen zitten bij de lancering van Breath of the Wild.

Trinens volledige reactie kan hieronder worden gelezen:

“It was tough, because we actually had a lot of debate in terms of do we announce it, how do we announce it. I think one of the things that’s unique about the way Nintendo develops games is when we’re working on a game, and certainly just knowing the history of Nintendo games, you guys know that it’s essentially we use every last minute to make the game as good as we possibly can, and really what that means is that the dev team was working on the main game, finished the main game, and as they’re starting to get to the very end and wrap it up, really they said, ‘You know we’ve made this massive world of Hyrule, we’ve spent a long time building it. It would be a waste to just make one game and have that be it.’ We want people to be able to enjoy exploring this world, and so they started thinking about, ‘Well, if we were going to do DLC, what would we do, how would we do it?’ And you can see that in the fact that it’s not… the DLC is not launching the day after the game or the week after. It’s coming out several months later in the form of the first pack and then several months after that in the form of the second pack. And that’s because the content is in development.

And so I think from my perspective, obviously if we were able to share more details, that would have been easier, but I think if you look to the example of something like a Mario Kart-type of a DLC approach, really what the goal is is let’s give people the option to purchase it when they’re at the store buying the game and give them something to look forward to, and kind of let them know there’s more to come in this world. And if you’re a Zelda fan buying Nintendo Switch at launch and really you’re buying it for Zelda, I mean how happy are you to know that hey, I’m going to be able to play more Zelda in this world again later this year.”

Wat vind jij van de reactie van Bill Trinen?